Statistics - General
23 entries using 12,892 words stored in 83,449 bytes.
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78,968 votes stored in 508 bytes.
0 comments using 0 words stored in 0 bytes.
0 static pages using 0 words stored in 0 bytes.
78,968 votes stored in 508 bytes.

10 Most rated entries
DetecTor - client side detection of MITM, server impersonation, CA compromise (3.04).
NSS changes to address the DigiNotar incident (3.03).
Internal Microphone on Lenovo T510 and Linux (3.02).
Using Buildbot with NSS on Windows systems (3.01).
CA Knockout updated - version 0.2.5 (3.00).
Should we implement a CA-Knockout Add-On? (3.00).
Fosdem 2012: Web Security, and how to stop the next DigiNotar (3.00).
Mutually Endorsing CA Infrastructure, proposal v2 (2.99).
No error messages in Thunderbird for SSL/TLS protocol failures (2.99).
Firefox Add-On: CA-Knockout (2.98).
NSS changes to address the DigiNotar incident (3.03).
Internal Microphone on Lenovo T510 and Linux (3.02).
Using Buildbot with NSS on Windows systems (3.01).
CA Knockout updated - version 0.2.5 (3.00).
Should we implement a CA-Knockout Add-On? (3.00).
Fosdem 2012: Web Security, and how to stop the next DigiNotar (3.00).
Mutually Endorsing CA Infrastructure, proposal v2 (2.99).
No error messages in Thunderbird for SSL/TLS protocol failures (2.99).
Firefox Add-On: CA-Knockout (2.98).

10 Most voted entries